
WTF, I have a blog?!?

Originally posted 08-09-2012

I have given in to the demands of the 21st century, and have decided to create a blog.  Apparently it’s the hip and cool thing for artists to do today, so why not?  Somebody might actually find the things that I have to say and the images I post interesting.  I hope you do.  I promise to make this as amusing as I can.  In order to do so, please give me feedback: let me know what you like, and more importantly, what you don’t.  Also, if you’d like to know something about, well, anything, feel free to ask, be it about myself or the process of painting.

First my first post, I think I’ll share with you my new studio.  Starting my second year at the New York Studio School, I get my own studio.  I actually share it, but only with one other person, which is an upgrade from last year (I won’t get into that).  I moved in a month ago, and am settled in.  Here are some photos from move in.

Stretcher Bars – Oh the possibilities of paintings to come!

Even more stretchers and loose wood – I don’t believe I collected enough…

And of course, what’s a painter without her paints đŸ™‚

My goal this year is to put together a thesis in order to complete my MFA.  I plan on posting my projects on this blog, giving a step-by-step look as things progress.  I currently have three or so projects begun.  Some of these are continuations of previous works I have done, while others…let’s just say I may not always know what I’m doing or where it’s going, but isn’t that the fun part!  I will post these projects in the days to come.